Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fingers Crossed

The Powerful Owl Time Trial

I'm pretty sure you lot would rather not have gone round the other week,
We certainly didn't want to STAND around in it!

Round 1:
21 July 2009
6.30 pm


So we will try for the 21st...

Keep an eye Here... www.bom.gov.au

And register Here... Entryzone

FREE entry!

1 comment:

  1. Forecast for Tuesday
    Becoming cloudy. Isolated showers during the afternoon. Winds northerly averaging up to 30 km/h tending north to northwesterly up to 45 km/h around dawn.
    City Windy. Shower or two developing. Min 10 Max 17.

    Any ideas on if this is acceptable weather?
