Friday, February 26, 2010

So, who's fault was it?

Does it matter? I suppose no one got hurt, and it was one of those "racing incidents"
There was a bit of leaning an all, but if someone moves across your line, what do you do? and it happens in an instant.
What do you reckon?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Five Bucks

Thats right folks, A bike, a Helmet, a racing licence and Five Bucks
Will get you some Extranormal fun, Every first and third Tuesday

Thanks to Mal Doreian for the clip.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Yep it has been pretty warm of late, which made for tough conditions to race.
Those who came along seemed to be having fun.
1st Matt L
2nd Justin W
3rd Brett K

Thanks to SportRecovery for the prizes.

See you on the 16th.

More pictures HERE