Monday, December 14, 2009

It's all on Today!


Pay your money, throw your number in the hat

And lady luck will choose your partner.

Two categories: male and mixed

Crit Course 6-30pm

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tears and Transitions

Roll up Roll up


Every Player a Prize

Pay your money, throw your number in the hat

And lady luck will choose your partner.

Two categories: male and mixed

15TH December Crit Course 6-30pm

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Crit 17.11.09

I think 24 riders was the number that lined up on Tuesday, and nice to see some girls there as well.
After taking pictures from the top of the bridge, I navigated the long grass back down to the the circuit, (hoping not to disturb snakes).
The pace looked fast early Notably Russell Collett dicing on his Single Speed.
Next I saw Neil walking about in a dust cloud with a peeled off tire. Mal binned it for me as well as another fella who's name I don't know.

1st Ben Randall
2nd Russ Collett
3rd Shaun Hurley

See you Back there December 1st

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Next Crit

This Tuesday 6.30 17/11/09
See you there!


Went along and had a look at some great cyclo-cross action on Friday night. I know it was 35 degrees, and this is normally a winter sport, but what better way to start your week-end than with some inner city racing!(I even managed to drag my girls away from better homes and gardens) I dunno they like it. Beer, Fish n chips, bike racing participants and spectators all had a ball.
Bring on some more!

More pictures Here, Here and Here

Monday, November 9, 2009

Memory lanes update

Those of you considering this ride should bring your lights
Just for the end, and to get home safe...

Monday, October 26, 2009


Since we will not be racing on Cup Day, We thought something was needed to get everyone through

Old School Tour of the Burge Loop

See the marvels of:
"The Canoe Tree"
"The Curved Steps"
"The Barrel Lane"
"Some ones backyard"
+ Darebin Parkland in a new light

NOVEMBER 10 6-30pm


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Over the bars

Mullen Mullen Single Speed Urban Epic 18th October 2009

By Sunday, I needed a Mullen Mullen. A shit week had done it. So it seems did a mob of others. 80kms or more, 20,000 revolutions, of some haired, some shaven legs. I measured it after I rolled home before I fell in a heap, 4 metres to a crank revolution. I know we didn’t pedal that many by the look on innocent bystanders jolted out of their Sunday strolls by a swarm of buzzing White Industry Enos, Surleys, a Hope, a Spot and a King. Most of us on single speeds, some on full rigid believing truth lies in feeling every contour, every hole, every rock the track throws up. The few-geared guys gave up at Hans’s Loop and caught the train home. I’ve bailed at that point too; it’s the last moment before full commitment to a Mullen epic. After that point you can’t turn back. Don’t know about anyone else but the bald hill under the high-tension power lines always makes you feel like you’ve entered the guts of the ride. Yeah Hans’s Loop opens the lungs and burns the legs but up that hill I was grinding so slow I thought the bull ants I was rolling over would mount an attack and feed on a pair of mashed knees. From the top we looked back over the snaking trail, back to the Yarra. All the stuff we’d ridden to that point seemed a blur of quick tight single track intermingled with image flashes of trail runners, a dead rabbit, condom wrappers, greyed ramblers and a girl on a pink single speed. Catching our breadth and waiting for the mob to reassemble I downed my first gel, already having devoured two bananas and half a camelback. What’s next? A downhill slide to another hill up a cutting, to another up through trees, to another, and to another, somehow they don’t seem so bad. The single speed numbness kicks in, no gears to change, no big ring, no middle ring. You and the bike meld into one grisly being. Somewhere out there a promise rings in my head, I said to my wife I’d be back by 1pm, plainly I won’t. A quick call made, a grunt at the other end. Not much you can do out there, you’re stuck in transit; you’ll be home before dark. Spat out onto the Eastern Freeway bike track in one piece we attacked the concrete. There’s a buzz of happiness as it’s all down hill. Little dives into the scrub a bit like dessert. Long finger gloves and arm warmers prove there worth fending off the sharp brush through the slalom run by the freeway. The anointed leader decides another water shed needs to be crossed, so appears the Darrebin Creek Gorge. Down one side, through the creek, up the other side. Didn’t need that. Conversation now ebbed to guttural grunts as riders peel off following their homing beacons. The Single Speed Urban Epic under the belt, competed, done, now numbed and contented the demons from the week before dumped and forgotten somewhere out on the Mullen Mullen.
By Chris Haydon

Monday, October 19, 2009

Urban Epic pics

Here are some pictures I took along the way yesterday, its always a bit hard to stop take out the camera fumble around with gloves on, take a shot , catch up again.
Need to sort out some kind of carrier.
If anyone else has any feel free to post them up.
Keep an eye out for the "Over the Bars" Riders report.
Chris has volunteered to write a bit about how he saw the ride.
Again if anyone else has any comments at all please feel free to post them up.
I enjoyed it, especially the climbs towards the end up out of Ivanhoe towards the school, just to really let you know just how shot your legs are! Thanks J.D. That way may be quicker, but is certainly steeper!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Single Speed Urban Epic

Due to popular demand, It's on again

Sunday 18/10/09
8.30 Roll out from the Boulevard at the Richmond end.
(See Map)
Remember to bring energy bars, Bananas etc.
There are plenty of Water points on the way round.
80+ Ks
5+hrs riding time.

View URBAN EPIC in a larger map

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

FHDC 06/10/09

Tuesday saw a great turnout with thirteen starters.
Racing was tight, with the front group staying together the whole race.

Results: 1. Jason 2. Matt 3. James

Next Crit: Tuesday 20th October

From FHDC 06/10/09

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Urban Epic Ride Report

The threatening weather came to nought but the ride certainly didn’t.

As someone commented “is this ride really appropriate for single speeds?”

Those climbs after Hans loop through Warrandyte and Donvale certainly give you a few moments. Talk about running up the Rialto stairs.

A great turnout of riders and a variety of bikes, we had 29ers, 26ers, ridged and suspension.

How good was young Ollie Dorian on a ridged 26 doing the whole deal, star both of now and the future

The ride stayed nice and mellow a careful pace with us all getting home ready for a bit of kia

Keen to do it again? Thinking maybe “found another 26 gears” or one speed?

Give us some feed back

Probably looking at October 18.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday Night Dirt Crits

Spring Racing is here!
We want to run a Crit Every first and Third Tuesday of the month
Starting with the 22nd of September
6.30pm Ivanhoe crit course (see map)
$5 entry
Current MTBA License is essential

Saturday, September 12, 2009


We are definitely on for tomorrow morning.
The weather forecast is for Rain easing BOM Radar

If it's Raining at the start we will just have a shorter ride

See Y"all there

Click HERE for a map of the start point.

Friday, August 21, 2009


8.30am 13th September
80+ Ks
5+hrs riding time.
Remember to bring energy bars, Bananas etc.
Plenty of Water on the way round.

View URBAN EPIC in a larger map

Thursday, August 6, 2009

TT2 Results

From Powerful Owl Time Trial 2

Bruce's Race Report

Powerful Owl Final Race Report.

The Track was perfect, a decent bucketing just prior ensured the puddles were full and the surface greasy
The perennial chestnut of mountain biking was a talking point Tyres! Right ones or wrong ones?
As the weathermen gave rain a 50-50 chance, we decided to go for it.
He got that right! 50-50?
Seven (where were the rest of you?) lined up.
They were delighted their bikes didn’t shrink in the rain!
Jason Jackson did a blinder with 3.55 must have got those tyres right
(Jason rode the Pannaracer Rampage)
James Dickey came in second and cleaned up on the powerful owl x2 series. He is the inaugural winner of the ‘Perennial Owl’.

Thanks everyone who turned up to one or both,
We enjoyed doing it
Another series in the light in summer,

Couple of night crits coming up so keep an eye on the site.

Coming soon
Looking for Clues

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Powerful Pics part 2

Yep, It was on.
We decided to go ahead despite the heavy showers, and ended up with clear weather for our event.
Thanks to all who ventured out.
Sorry all who posted questions but I was on my way there...
Keep checking here for more events.
Times will be posted soon.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Thanks to every one who came along
Bruce tells me it all ran smoothly at his end.
I enjoyed taking the pics fumbling around in the darkness.

Round two will be Tuesday August 4th Same format, REVERSE DIRECTION.

Hope to see you all there.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fingers Crossed

The Powerful Owl Time Trial

I'm pretty sure you lot would rather not have gone round the other week,
We certainly didn't want to STAND around in it!

Round 1:
21 July 2009
6.30 pm


So we will try for the 21st...

Keep an eye Here...

And register Here... Entryzone

FREE entry!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Powerful Owl Time Trial Postponed

Due to the inclement weather, we have decided to postpone our event.
Keep checking the blog for updates
Due to the weather forcast:

Our event this evening may be postponed.
We will make a desicion at 3.00 this afternoon.
Please check back here for an update.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Are YOU Hungry for singletrack?

The Powerful Owl Time Trial


FREE entry!

Round 1:
30 June 2009
6.30 pm

Round 2:
21 July 2009
6.30 pm


Register online at Big Hill web site:

limit of 30 riders

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Powerful Owl Time Trial

Become as one with the Powerful Owl.
BRUCES LOOP Banyule Flats Time Trial

Combined Race times
will decide the “Powerful Owl Title”.

Round 1:
16 June 2009
6.30 pm

Round 2:
30 June 2009
6.30 pm

$5.00 entry
$15.00 Day License available on the night.

Register online at Big Hill web site: Here

limit of 30 riders

Knockin' the daylights out of ya Round 2 Results

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Kept in the Dark Winter Racing

Flat hill Dirt Crits and Beyond Presents:

2009 Nocturnal racing series
Apres Day Light Savings

Round 1:
Knock’in the Day lights Outa ya.
6-30pm 28 April 2009.
Eaglemont Tennis Courts A Grade B Grade and Women
Stock standard crit course.

$5 entry MTBA licence essential, more the merrier!

Round 2:
6-30pm 12 May 2009
Eaglemont Tennis Courts A B and Women
Stock Standard crit course (In reverse)
$5 entry MTBA licence essential, more the merrier!

Dark Recesses of the ....................

Powerful Owl Time Trial
Become as one with the Powerful Owl.
BRUCES LOOP Banyule Flats Time Trial

Combined Race times
will decide the “Powerful Owl Title”.

Round 1:
16 June 2009
Register online at Big Hill web site limit 30

Round 2:
30 June 2009
Register online at Big Hill web site limit 30

Two more in summer same format for a King of the Yarra Single Track Title
Keep your Carrot eyes peeled for the Powerful Owl this winter, tell us about any sightings.

Monday, March 16, 2009

In conjunction with UGLY RACING, the minds of ex-messengers and *TC, fyxomatosis hosts the 4th annual Melburn Roobaix.

Went along last year and had a great time on the cobbles, followed by a few beers at the Lomond.

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Urban Classic

Labour Day or Labor Day is an annual holiday celebrated all over the world that resulted from the labour union movement, to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers. The majority of countries celebrate Labour Day on May 1, and it is popularly known as May Day and International Workers' Day.

The celebration of Labour Day has its origins in the Eight-hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest.


Introducing The Urban classic
80+ Ks
1300+ meters climbing
5+hrs riding time

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tuesday Night Dirt Crits

The Tuesday Night Dirt Crits at the Ivanhoe jumps surfaced just after Christmas for a five race season.

Two great years run by Deluxe MTB Club (thanks a bunch Malachi for your organization and resilience) finished with last year’s cup race.

A couple of locals decided too much fun is never enough – hence the resurrection. The course remained the same but A, B and women’s grades were run. A full range of weather was also available this year. Prizes were the old FTF ‘tube’ format.

The grand finale had a bonanza $100 cash prize for A grade.

Fox jersey (which Erica said fitted!) for women.

Maxis tires for B grade

And plenty of spot prizes etc, everyone a winner!

New Season later in the year check out dates on:, or